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The exact price for each ship model depends on the transport cost and on the currency exchange rate on the day of purchase. The prices quoted on this website show an approximate price for each model; an exact quotation can be given on request. The experience shows that the exact quoted price is within the given range in 98 % of all inquiries.
50 % upon confirmation of order; 50 % on delivery; by SWIFT transfer.
The ROYAL LOUIS was a 3-deck vessel with 120 guns. Her captain was a Squadron Admiral. She was one of the most powerful first-rank vessels belonging to the French Royal Navy at that time. The main equipment was made of 32 36-pounds guns at the low battery, 34 24-pounders at the second battery and 32 12-pounders at the third battery. Other smaller pieces installed on the quarter deck and on the half deck. The crew, including in wartime also some corps of riflemen and bombardiers, consisted in 1260 men. The Royal Louis underwent during years several changes which deeply altered both the hull lines and the rigging. The most remarkable modifications concerned the drastic lowering of the quarter deck and the disappearance of the spirit-sail mast. The main equipment however remained unchanged and only the minor artillery installed on the quarter-deck and on the fore-deck underwent some changes. Our model represents the Royal Louis according to the plans of 1779, when she was admiral-ship of the blue-and-white Squadron, being part of the American Squadron, called Earl d'Estaing's.
Le ROYAL LOUIS était un vaisseau à trois ponts à 120 canons, sous le commandement d'un Amiral Commandant d'Escadre. Il s'agissait d'un des plus puissants vaisseaux de premier rang, dont la Marine Royale Française disposait à cette époque. L'armement principal comprenait 32 canons de 36 livres à la batterie inférieure, 34 de 24 livres à la deuxième batterie et 32 canons de 12 livres à la troisième. De nombreuses autres pièces plus petites - 8 livres étaient installées sur le gaillard d'arrière et sur le demi-pont. Son équipage, qui en temps de guerre comprenait aussi des compagnies de futsilliers et de bombardiers de marine, était de 1260 membres. Le Royal Louis subit au cours des années de nombreux travaux de restructuration qui en modifièrent profondement les lignes de la coque et les gréements. Les plus remarquables concernent l'abaissement net du gaillard d'arrière et la disparition du mât de civadière. L'armement principal resta toutefois inchangé et seulement l'artillerie plus petite installée sur les gaillards d'arrière et d'avant subit des changements. Notre modèle représente le Royal Louis selon les plans de 1779 quand il était le vaisseau amiral de l'Escadre "blue-and-white" faisant partie de l'Escadre d'Amérique dite du Comte d'Estaing.
Each ship model is made by hand with hundreds of man-hours. Depending on the complexity of the ship please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. Models are shipped safely with specially designed packaging for safe delivery and easy unpacking.