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The exact price for each ship model depends on the transport cost and on the currency exchange rate on the day of purchase. The prices quoted on this website show an approximate price for each model; an exact quotation can be given on request. The experience shows that the exact quoted price is within the given range in 98 % of all inquiries.
Each ship model is made by hand with hundreds of man-hours. Depending on the complexity of the ship please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. Models are shipped safely with specially designed packaging for safe delivery and easy unpacking.
50 % upon confirmation of order; 50 % on delivery; by SWIFT transfer.
This was a twin masted vessel with the main and mizzen mast, and one or two martars in the space between the main mast and the bow. lt was a sturdily built ship and the deck supporting structures were made extra strong to withstand the recoil from the guns when fired. The main mast never broke down in general, all the rigging between this mast and the bowsprit were readily removable to facilitate gun aiming and firing.
lt is said that in 1662, the town of Algiers had been bombarded from offshore by a ship of this kind. They were the Duquesne bomb ketches, and introduced this kind of weaponny. They fired at high elevation above fortications, towns and ports occupied by the enemy, using projectiles which sometimes weighed as much as 90 kilos each. The system was developed by the Basque-French naval architect, Bernardo Renaud Elizagaray, who, because of his short stature, was called "Petit Renaud". He entered into the service of Spain under the new rank of Battle General and was put in charge of inspecting the fortifications at Gibraltar and Cadiz. He organized the defence of the Vigo river against the British fleet in 1702.
Bomb ketches played an important role in the siege and bombardment of Gibraltar in 1782 and "LA CANDELARIA" was part of the group and took part in the action.
"LA CANDELARIA" était un vaisseau espagnol à deux mâts: le mât principal et le mât de misaine, un ou deur mortiers entre le mât principal et l'avant. C'était un bateau construit solidement, les structures du pont étaient très résistantes afin de supporter les contre-coups des canons en action. Le mât principal ne flanchait jamais et généralement tous les gréements entre le mât et le beaupré étaient facilement démontables pour faciliter la visée et le tir des canons.
En 1662, la ville d'Alger fut bombardée par un bateau similaire. La bombe ketch de Duquesne introduisait alors les armements de ce type. Ils faisaient feu en haute altitude au dessus des fortifications des villes et ports occupés par les ennemis en se servant de projectiles qui pesaient jusqu'à 90 kgs chacun. Le système fut dévéloppé par le Français Bernardo Renaud Elizagaray, architecte du navire - du fait de sa petite taille, on l'appelait "petit Renaud". Il entra au service de la marine nationale espagnole sous le nouveau grade de Général de bataille; il était chargé d'inspecter les fortifications de Gibraltar et de Cadiz. Il organisa la défense de la Rivière Vigo contre la flotte anglaise en 1702.
"LA CANDELARIA" joua un rôle important dons le siège et le bombardement de Gibraltar en 1782.